
Posted in Useful information

Some information about transport (transportation) in Sapa town. How to get to Sapa from Hanoi, going by train from Hanoi to Lao Cai and Sapa.

There are many different classes for the train from Hanoi to Sapa. The Train ticket You can get inTran Quy Cap Train station.the time for sale in PM until 30 minute befor depature time. an other way You can get in the tour office.Cabin on train
1. Hard seat
2. Soft seat
3. Fan hard bed sleeper
4. A/C soft bed sleeper
5. Wood carnage
6 Oriental Express carnage.
You can get 1 or 2 easily at the train station in Lao Cai and you can get 3 & 4 at Pathfinder(see below), but it is almost impossible to get “Wooden carriage and Oriental Express” classes. To get those tickets, ask at travel agents or your guest houses. When you order tickets, please make sure which class your tickets are for.

Train Fares
HS: hard seat, SS: soft seat, ac: air conditioned
U: upper sleeper, M: middle sleeper, L: lower sleeper

Train Station: In Lao Cai. The most minibuses go to the train station. Tickets for night trains are sold after 16:30. Many people come so come early and stay in a line.

Train Ticketing: Train ticket counter open only 7:30-11, 13:30-15:30. Ticket prices are offcial one. Commission for seat USD1, the cheapest tickets for lower class tickets.

Mini bus to Lao Cai:Ga-Lao cai
To Lao Cai: Mini buses leaves near the church when it gets full. Also you can get one in front of Hoa Dao Hotel near the park local fare USD2/pax
To the border to China(called “guojing or goukyou”)
Take a minibus heading to the Lao Cai train station. Get off just after crossing the bridge and walk to the left for 500m. Ask your minibus driver. Usually he will take you to the border.

Bus station: Now have big tourist bus with AC from Sapa to Hanoi. It cost 12 USD/Pax
Depature: 2 Bus time one at 8h Am, an other at 5hPM . Stop at Hanoi My Dinh Bus station
Bus ticket office: 031 Xuan vien street, Sapa

Local Transport
This town is very small. You can walk from one side to the other within 30 min.
To go to hill tribe villages, you had better to rent a bike or take a bike taxi.
Rental bike USB6/day inclued gas


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Travel Sapa